Fashion trend, White is beautiful for open new month thats April. Trend in Vogue Paris is beautiful and perfect. white color with the addition of other accents to make an impression this model becomes very interesting. And make a clean impression and can be used and worn at any time and in the official, unofficial and relaxed. April is so beautiful.
Fashion Trend in Vogue Paris 2011
In April a beautiful month with the number four is an even number as well as Vogue in Paris would issue a fashion trend fashion is remarkable and will be admired young women.
Detail : Photographer Josh Olins photographs Malgosia Bela in ”Coup D’eclat” for Vogue Paris April 2011. Stylist Veronique Didry dresses Malgosia in Miu Miu, Guess, and more. -Taylor. Fashion Trend April 2011 in Vogue Paris via
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