Overview Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Thurley was debuting their spring 2011 collection named Thurley Spring 2011 Design which official cutting of the 2011 RAFW ribbon. Like many other label keen to avoid the madness that is any fashion week, Thurley Spring 2011 will headed along to the label’s showing, sitting down with designer Helen O’Connor to explore the differences between Melbourne and Sydney, discuss why Paris is her favourite city, and why the Thurley girl wears sequins to breakfast. The Thurley Spring 2011 collection is titled Hybrid.
Fabric is the main inspires in this Thurley Spring 2011.
Fabric is really where they start. You’ll see it from the complexity in the fabrication they use. But then straight after, cuts and style follow the inspiration ladder. Also, the friends and customers inspire it. they have been hearing that people aren’t seeing enough sparkle in their wardrobe, so they gave them that. They have started to push their self in terms of cuts, fabric and technique. It’s not only the end product that’s important, but also the entire process of getting it to that stage. Dressmaking is an art and they’ve realised that.
Designs of Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O’Connor.
Featured Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Quartet Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Twin Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Trio Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Single Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Music Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Formal Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Duo Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Couple Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O'Connor
Thurley Spring 2011 Design Featuring Helen O’Connor via fashionising
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